The Oplon Secure Access Identity Link feature allows federated authentication to be added to any Web application with no need to implement it on the service. Everything is solved within the infrastructure. Simply put the OSA component in front of the service you want to protect and enable the authentication functionality with OSA Identity Link required for the service.
Technically, OSA Identity Link is an “Identity Provider Proxy” and definitively solves, at the infrastructure level, the ever-increasing demand for authentication and authorization from an authoritative source. Authoritative source is both private and public Identity Providers such as Microsoft Entra, Google but also EIC (European Electronic Identity Card) or specific Identity Providers implemented on administrations or entities. OSA Identity Link implements the most widely used authentication and authorization protocols such as: OpenID Connect (Microsoft Entra, ADFS, Auth0, ecc..), OpenID Federation (EIC), SAML2 (Shibboleth, SPID, ecc..), WebAuthn.
OSA IDP Proxy allows services to be structured with public parts and parts on which strong authentication must be required. Authentication can thus be required on entire Internet domains or even on domain-specific paths thereby protecting even parts of the service. This feature allows services that can be accessed by anonymous users to be distinguished up to the highest levels of government authentication such as EIC for Europe and SPID for those who have adopted it.
Oplon Secure Access IDP Proxy simplifies identification management from small infrastructures to entire government infrastructures while maintaining very high levels of security and manageability over time.